Holmen Football
Holmen Football

Passing League

At this time I am still looking at whether we will be participating this summer.  Once I have final dates and times I will let everyone know.

To participate in Summer Passing League @ UWL players and parents will need to fill out, sign, and return the proper registration form to Travis Kowalski.  The form can be mailed to Travis Kowalski, 1001 McHugh Road, Holmen WI, 54636 or dropped off in the High School Main Office. You can find the form by clicking on the button below.  Participation is limited to players that will be Sophomores, Juniors, or Seniors during the 2022 season and there is no cost to the participate.

The dates for 2022: June 12, 26. July 10, 17

HS Upcoming Events

Nothing from March 9, 2025 to April 9, 2025.